
So wait, this isn’t real? Because it’s so believable it never occurred to me this could be fake, it’s actually “tame” for the Cheeto.

Mine would be a 6 page spread in People where Sebastian Stan and I show off our 15 dogs, all adopted from shelters. Our love is totally real and not at all a thing that exists only in my head.

That’s beautiful.

Prince Harry marrying Kerry Washington despite Barack Obama being concerned about their dangerous boat wedding.

Justin Theroux falls for mid 30s Midwestern Marketing Manager “I didn’t see it coming either!”

Harry Styles: Secret Love Affair with Pudgy, 30-year-old, Invisalign-Wearing Nonprofit Employee? See the exclusive steamy pics!

Angelina and Jen: We’re in love. And having a baby.

also the editing was...questionable? especially towards the end. it felt like they cut like a full 25 minutes from it

It was a lot of fun! Kate McKinnon was great! Thor was great! Everyone was great! but some of the tie-ins to the original Ghostbusters were a little too forced. I was excited to see a sequel where they could just have like, a standalone movie. Oh well.

1) What the fuck indeed. Your friend has a terrible and slut-shamey (or, modestly-dressed-lady-shamey as the case may be?) sense of humor.

Re: #2; have you considered lighting his computer on fire? Or him? Or yourself? Or everything? There are so many options with fire.

Real talk, Jezzies, I need your take on this. A few weeks ago, Obnoxious Friend From Back Home posted on Facebook a picture of himself with his middle school-aged daughter, selfie style, sitting together on some bleachers. The lower body of anonymous woman in the row above was framed by their faces. OFFBH added a

“Judge Elizabeth Branch, who authored the opinion.” The story here is that the legislature is incompetent at writing laws. Don’t blame the judges for having to work within the democratic system.

For the love of god and all that is holy, we need a real plan to get women to be the majority in the legislative and judiciary branches.

Judges can’t do that.

I love that movie so much! I was a teenager when it came out, and developed a serious crush on Rachel because of it. (I still have the soundtrack on my computer.)

I like looking at a blank slate. Or—even better—somebody else’s trashy crap so I can think about how dumb it looks and how I would arrange my own trashy crap in much more pleasing configurations.

Parker Posey slept in my bed for a week! (her hot twin brother was my roommate).

listed her “one-bedroom, one-bathroom unit” in New York’s Greenwich Village for $1.45 million

idk, those patchwork culottes have to devalue the house by at least 8%