
I agree with you on most of what you are saying. I didn’t miss the point, rather I think one of your statements diminished your point. You were the one that stated black superheroes are based around black identities that require black actors but white superheroes shouldn’t be based around white identity requiring

But, just for argument’s sake, why should NO white hero be built around white identity? We should be able to have heroes of all colors that are relevant ... but the majority of heroes it should not matter. You can’t say that all black heroes must be black but not white heroes must be white. Somewhere there needs to be

Hmm — let’s write something deep and meaningful about the hope of societal progress in regard to racism...

Almost as unfathomable as Heath Ledger playing the Joker, right?

Kinda slighting Harvey Guillén in that list of stars ... but I guess Guillermo would expect nothing less

Upgrade was one of the sleeper gems of the last decade in my opinion, but otherwise I’d agree on Blumhouse ...

So I’m to understand that you like how that sounds?

cask for home brews, casket for one of the Tammies?

Nice nod to Hitchhikers at the end, too. Good stuff.

Caught Red Son this weekend in a moment of boredom, and genuinely enjoyed it enough to recommend. I used to love all the DCAU stuff, and the last few have fallen flat for me, but this was a well-executed alternate take.

But it was hard to shake the fact that Lex Luthor (who apparently brings the BDE hammer,

I’m not so jaded that I can’t admit I’m all in on a great M.A.S.K. movie. Bring it on. And yes to the SilverHawks too ... but what would really work would be Galaxy Rangers!

yes, but ... Natalie Zea

I didn’t realize comments here had to be literal and humorless. My bad, I guess.

So the dude is asking the general public to text him something NSFW? That should play out just fine ...

Give me a real Jeep pickup. Manual windows, etc. Basic, functional, tough. And charge accordingly. Something that I can take the floor plugs out and not worry about leaving the doors off if there is a surprise rain storm. Mall crawler luxury Wranglers and Gladiators are moving away from what makes a Jeep a Jeep.

Krasinski more than anyone else could be the heir to Indiana Jones ... not that I’m in favor of rebooting, but the role would fit him like a glove

Go ahead and remove “taillights” from the headline and it still works. An ugly car-like beast that doesn’t resemble the old glory days of the Cherokee name.

I’m all in for Mamoa as Flashpoint’s angry Emperor Aquaman.

I’ve been afraid to re-watch The Abyss for fear it would not hold up and would not be as good as I like to remember it. Ed Harris never disappoints, and that was the best of Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio by far. Now I may need to give it another viewing ... 

Give me a Terry McGinnis appearance and I’m in regardless.