Track: Come Together (Terry Farley 7" mix) | Artist: Primal Scream | Album: Screamadelica
Track: Come Together (Terry Farley 7" mix) | Artist: Primal Scream | Album: Screamadelica
Something cool happen to you in For Honor? Pull off a cool trap in Battlegrounds? Experience an unbelievable Battlefield 1 moment? We wanna see! Our show Highlight Reel is looking for great clips. Send your amazing gaming moments to Highlightreel@kotaku.com and tune in for more!
Watching the Nintendo Switch presentation is like watching an ex girlfriend who has so much potential but is totally making the same fucking mistakes over and over and you just want to shake them and tell them to stop.
Right now Final Fantasy XV is not only my favorite FF but it’s in my top five games of ALL TIME.
Your wish is my command.
Please please, more EQ stories or other MMORPG stories like these. My god this was a pleasure to read.
I totally disagree, i hate the super art style and DBS in general, it’s just super bad compared to DBZ and even GT.