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    C'mon, hits from the minor leagues don't count, and that's what the Japanese leagues are. Triple A at best. Ley's an ass.

    The MLB stars rarely play. Often amateur vs amateur.

    Ichiro the hit king? C'mon. You can't count his hits from the Japanese League, that's minor league level. AAA. Lots of mediocre major leaguers go over there and become superstars. Include Roses' AAA hits then, too. I agree he was an ass but you can't count that against his playing abilities.

    Japanese league is no better than Triple A minor league. As great as Ichiro is, his Japanese hits shouldn't count. Check out Tuffy Rhodes and that guy Bass. They weren't worth a damn in MLB but set crazy records in Japan. Ridiculous to even compare.

    It's this kind of BS that is prompting people to follow that buffoon Trump. People are tired of feeling screwed over by politicians.

    Are these all the players' names or just the hand picked "less traditional" names. Were there any Tom or Bob or Barry or Michael, etc.?

    If abortion is made illegal than someone who gets an abortion should be punished...yes. Along with the doctor who performed the procedure. Armed robbery is illegal, if you commit armed robbery you are punished. Along with who ever assists you in the armed robbery. What is the problem? It's only logical. Don't let

    My son once made this very suggestion as a way to get more young men interested/involved in Irish Dance competition. 2 or 3 competitors are dancing on stage at the same time and often get very close as they whirl and kick for 3 minutes or so. The opportunity would be there.

    But they are, it's a genetic fact. All have the same great grandmother/aunt.

    I was about 12-13 years old. My friends and I were into squirt gun fights. This was long before the mega-water blasters of the last 10-15 years. We kept finding bigger and better ways to deliver the water. Somehow a friend and I decided it would be fun to throw water at cars. We got a bucket with about 3inches of