Jamie of Green Gables

Just like America's?

Trumped! Filmed in front of a live studio audience!

Up All Night With George W.!

Does that he won't be the following season?

Sadly, it was not a drunk aardvark, who speaks English.

Me too.

There is also plans, with this being a franchise and all. Good luck, with that one.

Yeah, we watched that too.

Could be worse. Could have been Caliguia.

Also a nearly fourteen hour psychedelic version of Dune, like the one purposed by Alejandro Jodorowsky would have been a bit too much.

True story: We watched the Roman Polanski version of Macbeth in English class in high school.

Confession time: I also love the 1984 film, Dune more than the mini series.

Who is this they?

I know they have the bad rep, of not being the films that follow the material straight forward, and they are unnecessarily long and bloated, but I still love the films.

That being said, I would rather watched The Rings trilogy, instead of the new King Arthur film.

Fair enough. Both are awesome themes.

I had a debate with one of my friends as to which is the more ass kicking battle theme​ from a epic film, The Riders of Doom or O Fortuna?

They probably prefer the Russell Brand version.

Oi! Me and my mates, Gally and Lance are heading off to the pub for a cupla of brews!

Need more shrubbery!