Jamie of Green Gables

From the desk of H.G. Wells:

From the diary of Frank Herbert:

I saw what you did Russia! Pretty sneaky, sis.

That's episode 15!

Episode 14: Aliens vs Predator: I could totally do better. Oh, wait a minute! I really did.

From the desk of J.R.R. Tolkien:

"Mr. Lucas poured over a rough cut of a movie, that he had made earlier in his career. I thought to himself, fuck that I could do better! And perceeded to have a alien avocado looking creature, get assassinated in a way that would surely, not upset people who have watched the film."

My dearest, Percy. I'm considering writting a story about the I had horrible nightmare about a mad doctor stitching a man together with dead bodies.

Episode 12: Every other Alien movie, other than Alien and Aliens, sucks face hugger eggs.

Episode 11: Every other The Terminator film, out side of mine, sucks.

Episode 10: The Abyss, and Ed Harris is totally wrong. I'm not a jerk.

Episode 9: No, for the millionth time, Avatar is NOT a rip off of Ferngully, The Smurfs, Thundercats, Princess Mononoke, and Dances With Wolves!

Cue Harlan Ellison, shooting at his TV set!

I hear that Scott Stapp, is interested. Very, very interested.

He's the man of crap, he's full of shit!

A Scottish newspaper, just provided the perfect write for Trumpfest 2017, this Friday.

By way The Little Mermaid is one of my favorite films, of all time.

Me too!

Either way, we're fucking screwed.

Sigh, five fucking more days to go. There's not enough beer out there, to get me through this.