Gee, and here I always thought he was this Charming Man.
Gee, and here I always thought he was this Charming Man.
"Can you rain? Because YOU WILL!"
Looks like, someone didn't get him what he wanted. It wouldn't be the first time.
"Oh no, Looks like someone got the bad case of the Morriseys!"
"Can you take Morrisey higher?"
I read the last part, as if it was said by Inigo Montoya.
I always figured him, to be more like Lex Luthor than anything else.
"It's like, how much more black could this be? and the answer is none. None more."
It will be even more gritty and darker!
And add in as much grey brownish color, as humanly possible!
Super villian schemes, don't pay for themselves!
Quick someone get Zack Synder on the phone, we have a winner!
Who ever wins, we lose. Especially the viewers.
"Under the sea, under the sea, there'll be no accusations, just friendly crustaceans under the sea."
Or Waiting For Godot?
"Wait your mother's name is Martha? My mother's name is Martha, too!"
Pretty much.
And gamey, too?
And overly grim dark and humorless, too!
Should I Stopping Making Sense, as well?