Actually Oakland can keep both teams. The A’s have been there since 68 non stop. The Raiders had a vacation in LaLa Land that eventually became clear was a mistake. The Raiders will be getting additional money from the League.
Actually Oakland can keep both teams. The A’s have been there since 68 non stop. The Raiders had a vacation in LaLa Land that eventually became clear was a mistake. The Raiders will be getting additional money from the League.
I don’t know how much Lovie really helped Jameis. Kid was already pretty offensive before he got to Tampa Bay.
Another year without the best baseball player of all time is damn shame. I cant even watch the sport anymore because of it.
Christ, just cause you’re really good at these extremely difficult panda puzzles doesn’t mean you need to be a dick about it.
Also of note, the win tonight gave the Warriors the best home record in a calendar year in NBA History at 42-1.
That’s because we live in a flawed world.
I travel a fair amount, and I do a large amount of drinking. My rule of thumb is: always pay cash for the first drink, ask the bartenders name, say “thanks <bartenders name>”, tip very well for that drink. You can open your tab for the 2nd-10th drinks, but always cash and tip for the first.
I think he was referring to the part about moving runners along. That shit can be tough, especially if they’re zinging that puck in there while your receivers are running go routes and your strikers are crashing the net looking for rebounds.
You shut your whore mouth. It is mildly funny with the proper portions of drug cocktails.
Around my house we call Rodgers “A-A-Ron”...
No article that I’ve seen tracks down where these bobbleheads actually came from, but I have a theory. Here is a list of every Padres bobblehead given away through 2013, and Denorfia is not on the list. Considering he wasn’t on the team in 2015, that would point to 2014 being the year of the Denorfia bobblehead.
I was reading through the unwritten rules, and I think your last statement is in there verbatim.
I can’t really blame him, as I also got tired of coming in Stockings after my teenage years.
Days of Thunder came out 25 years ago.
Bigot tears are low-fat, low-carb, and alcohol free, so you are good. However, call a doctor if you have an erection lasting longer than 4 hours.
I LOVE that my Facebook page is like 95% happiness and rainbows and the few conservative FB friends I have left are just SILENT. As they should be. If you can’t say something nice, SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT IT.
Perfect excuse for my Roger Clemens @ the 2001 ASG story.
To be fair to Van Gundy, this was a bit like sitting next to your friend as he discovers his ex-girlfriend on Pornhub. Jeff didn’t have the gall to contribute to rubbing it in.