Saucy McFlossy

Being from her congressional district in Oakland and the East Bay, Barbara Lee has been our congressional champion for some time. She’s a solid choice and better known in California than most think. I also am slightly concerned with her age, but we’re all living longer and we have an 80 year old president.  I’d like

Comprehension, man. Did you even read what you posted?

Chickens are offended for being the butt of your joke. People who make roads are offended because you aren’t taking their work seriously. What about wheelchair bound folks who have serious challenges crossing the street? You’re so insensitive. See that? Everything offends everyone these days. It’s f*cking comedy.

Man, I ran into a RAMZEE the other day.  G-Fabulosity (or the need for Hooked on Phonics) ain’t goin away anytime soon.

See, I have some J’s arriving today.  You got me spooked.  Let me take my ass home.  😒🏃‍♂️

Is it me, or did someone photoshop his lips off? Somethin’s missin.

We don’t claim that as part of the Bay.  Like my Apple maps is set to make it feel like there’s a glitch with nothing around till we get to Santa Cruz.  Salinas is cool tho.  Homie spot. 

Jesus, who approved that mess?

Same.  Ran straight to Wikipedia and was like, ‘oooohhh’.

I don’t think it’s all lootboxes (I love the Overwatch ones too, btw), I think it’s the ones that affect gameplay. Especially in PVP environments. The O’watch boxes are cosmetic. Nothing can improve your abilities in the game. However, games like NBA2K or Battlefront II have items that can significantly increase your

Meh. I’m from the Bay and Feinstein has been part of our politics my entire life. Her only crime right now is being old. She was the first female mayor of San Francisco (if you didn’t know) and represented the liberal feminist movement in it’s early days. Way before the locomotive it is now. She’s done some great

You gotta do better than this if you’re gonna troll on a site called The Root. Try again.

Wait, biracial people aren’t black?  Barack Obama isn’t black?

Haven’t seen this one yet (I will this weekend), but the first one was surprisingly good and I would recommend watching it.  It’s on multiple pay-per-view outlets (Amazon Prime Video, iTunes, etc.) for cheap.

Would totally pay to see this!

I’m a Warriors fan and, although it was the right call, even I wouldn’t have overturned that charge. Been watching the NBA since I was a kid and had no idea there was a rule that allowed them to review that type of call. Even watching the game, when the replay showed LeBron still moving when KD ran into him I said,

Whoa. Who let you in. If you’re gonna create a burner account, at least make it red to match your hat.

Wait, your name is...what’s that...‘Obiwonginobili’? and you’re on KD for creating burner accounts? Durant should be able to play where he wants, Zaza wasn’t trying to hurt anyone and Draymond...well, he’s Draymond. The Warriors starters are home grown. They added Iggy in free agency and no one cared. Who cares if