
yeah, that was my limit too.

You missed out on them coming straight out of a smoking session with snoop and the most awkward MC of them all dancing around the fact that they were clearly high as fuck.

Jamie Foxx having a coughing fit was funny though.

Blizzard needs to shut this down, then put look-a-like skins of these into overwatch. That would be funny.

Next he’ll be saying FF Vs 13 has a release date.

Yes, finally a proper Wario amiibo. None of that biker Warioware look.

There is a Groot face in the rock face.


Finally, a reason to consistently and purposefully lose at a game.

I’m so tired of this story in every single way.

I enjoy how you took this as the place to air a grievance against something completely unrelated. Side note: fuck Donald Trump, dude’s a dick yo.

Explaining the reasoning behind a publisher’s censorship decision is actually a pretty good idea. Nice write up, Patrick.

Don’t give in. Get the PS4

Don’t give in. Get the PS4

I’m starting to wonder if I should feel ashamed for helping to kickstart this...

Hmmmm.... The next Photoshop contest?

That’s why I always look up certain mechanics or actions that aren’t clear in these games. The world design is utterly brilliant and I can’t get enough of it, as well as the fighting and bosses. I’m all for exploring and getting lost in the world, but when it comes to something that just isn’t explained, but implied I

he gonna getcha

I can honestly say I’ve never given a damn about whether or not Uncharted has realistic looking climbing. You’re going up a mountain with no protective equipment or climbing gear to find the Lost City of Shamalamadoo to find the magical golden didgeridoo that can turn fudge into pineapples and will make dealing with

A video game about ghosts playing soccer.