
Not a fan. I love anime but can never really bring myself to watch newer shows because of it. Too embarrassing. Had to watch Kill la Kill in secret.

I remember when my mom bought this game from a bargain bin as a surprise when I was a kid. Surprisingly fun. Didn’t realize it was a Bungie game.

Since they’re implementing the use of STONES that grant POWER to the user maybe they could include certain Capcom characters from a certain franchise known for something similar. Also bring back Phoenix Wright and Frank West.

The maps in 2 are kinda lackluster and “samey”. Good thing new maps will be free since the game is a blast.

Patience, foresight, and frugality pay off again.

Yeah I did. It was a teaser showing us the gist of what it can do. Not a firm confirmation of all its features. Don’t be an ass.

I’m also wondering whether the portable screen can be used while in console mode.


Somehow this is old news already and I need more details! So many questions!

“All of this is to say that using Nintendo IP to promote a weed app might not be a great joint venture.”

Those are so good. Gonna be tough grinding for them and playing Gears 4.

Game Freak has embraced the memes for this gen.

I knew it’d pay off. Eventually.

Picked it up for $5 and surprisingly yes!

Depends on the rewards. I think both teams should be slightly rewarded in rank for ties. If you lose rank or don't progress at all it’d be pretty annoying considering you didn’t technically lose and still put in the time to bring it to a tie.

Snap! Played the hell out of this on PS4. Loved just being the Goliath and tearing teams to shreds. Got too easy though. Will definitely give it a chance as a F2P on PC.

The real question is why?

Do I know you?

Wow those are, uh, pretty terrible. And can someone get clumsy cutie a new pair of pants? While they’re there pick up a shirt for Laura, too.