
Hello Kitty Island Adventure stage incoming.

Alright so who do we have to talk to get the Last of Us multiplayer to be recognized as an esport

Bags of skills. Bags.

Can't wait. These games are too fun. I was just thinking about TGAA the other day. Damn Capcom and their beloved franchises.

Like the new style. The starters grew on me quick. Mrow.

That was intense. Can’t wait to get my hands on one of these. And enough expendable income to afford it.

Now you’re just name calling. The rewards suck. Get over it. GET OVER IT. Like the wall I’m gonna build. Just get over it. Get. Over. It. GET THE FUCK OVER IT.

I don't care.

15% off old full priced games is crap. Zelda Picross is whatever and Flip Note is free with the account. There might be better rewards in the future but right now not worth feeding Nintendo all of my deepest darkest secrets.

Wish I had time to try that out. Overwatch has been looking amazing since the first beta. It’s a definite pick up either way.

Totally. At first the questions were silly like you mentioned “Cats? Hur hur!” But then it started asking personal questions that I wouldn't even answer outside of the app and had to delete it. That and their My Nintendo rewards that you can earn with Platinum and Miitomo coins are all crap. Only gold coins net good

Better weapons and fall styles. I felt like the only viable one was the default. Same for guns. Still really fun though.


I can see it now... Remember Star Fox’s plucky female sidekick Megan Foxx? No? WELL SHE’S BACK. Here’s a scene of the Star Fox crew at a Burger King drive thru bickering over what to order. THE END.

I can’t help but have the feeling that this game will be mediocre at best.

God tier: Waffle Crisp

People think it’s bad? What?

Saw it comin’. The trailers never looked great. Sucks that the last good Star Fox game released was a remake of 64 for the 3DS. And before that Melee #Kappa

First time anything involving football other than drinking and eating junk food interested me. Someone get Nintendo on the line.