Pass! It’s been in an accident. A pretty bad one, too. Severe enough that it knocked the steering wheel over to the passenger side!
Pass! It’s been in an accident. A pretty bad one, too. Severe enough that it knocked the steering wheel over to the passenger side!
What?!! I’d have eaten two bowls knowing it was laced with PCP.
Shapeflation is the new shrinkflation.
To this day, art historians are still baffled. Who was this “Getty” and how did they manage to create so many images?
So, every male has played the “penis game” before where you and a friend say the word louder and louder until someone chickens out. I’m assuming that’s what this is.
As I sail away on thoughts of “fluffy little piles” of meat, my heart is bouncing around like Tigger because Claire is back! (I know you were technically back on the 5th, but I’m catching up on my reading and this one came up first.)
As an optimist, I have to point out that it could have been worse. It could’ve been a slideshow.
‘Twas the month before Christmas
If that’s what it takes to get him off the air.
They just see an (R) by his name and go, “Okay.”
“They don’t put attractive people like me in jail.”
Executions will continue until morale improves!
No, get a cassowary instead.
“Got mine, fuck you” knows no boundaries.
You must be fun at parties.
A message to the public: If you see this fugitive, no you didn’t.
NICE *kicks door down* PRICE *smashes computer monitor* BABY *punches hole in wall* YEEEEAH