
#By2025communicationwillbesolelybyhashtag. #Getwiththetimesgrandpa

SLLF:TROCD is the best hip hop album of the '10s, though I also think everything Kanye has released this decade has been weak, a fairly unpopular opinion, so what do I know?

In 1999 everything went platinum.

PWR BTTM seems so long ago.

Is…is that good or bad?

He'll be washed up like a Diminutive Dinghy.

I haven't seen them since the theater, but I actually enjoyed the third one a little more. It was definitely the expectations going in- It was a dumb action movie and that's all I wanted.

Their school is so poor that all of their field trips are to the barrel factory.

Most of the podunk places in southern Illinois are named after Egyptian cities.


"Women" is not a word that MRAs use. The correct term is "females",
as in: "I'm a nice guy to females so obviously I'm single. Bitches".

Fry's seems to get shittier and shittier every time I go. Used to be so much fun and now it's pretty much on par with a Best Buy.

I was at American Science and Surplus looking for a new pharmacist smock and I came upon a bunch of old Osco ones in XXXL size which were wider than any human I have ever seen in person.

I've got 3 pinball machines and one cocktail table but I've kind of stalled out. My Twilight Zone machine is a thing of beauty.

The Beta Yurt is going to be huge!

That was the first movie I checked out from my college library in 2000. Now kids are going to be in college who weren't even born then. Gah.

It didn't "just" happen.

A deep D-cking.

Top Gun was mine, and now I feel old.

Apocalypse Now has no opening credits?