
Great job internet: you have exterminated the juice.

Now the kids have to play smear the LGBTQ and sometimes if they don't get an L or a T to show up, game cancelled!

I remember finding the album by Chalk Farm in a dollar bin and picking it up because I vaguely rememembered them on the radio when they came out. That record was pretty much as rock bottom as I've ever found in terms of "bad songwriting on a major label release".. every single song has exactly the same chorus, that

That image: "fine Alicia Silverstone, I'll take my underwear back".
Living the dream.

I haven't been to Joes since about 2008 but if I were to do a word association the first three that would come to mind would be

Actually the Ricketts tore down much of Wrigleyville by themselves.

Yes. The honking. So much honking. I lived in uptown and I was amazed that any cars still had working horns then next day. I put on my noise cancelling headphones at about 3:00 am because I had to work the next day.

MNS had the gradual decline starting at Signs and seemingly finding no bottom until recently. Crowe went from Almost Famous/Vanilla Sky to Elizabethtown through Aloha.

But then we get Inception 2 and find out the entire film was just a figment of Christopher Nolan's imagination. Who wants a pitchfork?

Me too. I thought they were both fairly similar but Vanilla Sky had much better dialogue and direction.

The double negative in "I'm alright, don't nobody worry about me" implies that "I'm actually not alright. Please send help."

Pretty much just the new Slowdive album since I bought it last Saturday. Far better than I would have ever expected, and my clear front runner for album of the year.

They should just hurry it along and merge with clickhole.

Hopefully in a year or two it will be a famous success.

You must be an SJW because all I see is green privilege used to oppress white males.

Totally. I sold off a good chunk of my "rare" games (Earthbound, Suikoden 2, Lunar 1 + 2 PS1, a few others) a few years ago. I'm in my mid 30's now and there's no way I'm going to live long enough to play all of the shit I've collected over the years so I figured id pass them along to a good home and not hoard them.

I've always wanted to check that one out but never felt like dropping that much on a single game. Looks like there are some new workarounds to getting copies to work on a Saturn so maybe I'll check that out.

Yeah it still looks great for 32 bit.
I used to have the Working Designs PS1 version of Silhouette Mirage but sold it a few years ago as the pointless changes they made to the gameplay completely ruined it. I'm trying to think of 32 bit games that are 2D that A: are not SotN, B: Not by Treasure, and C: are not "great

Back in the mid 2000s I picked up a fairly comprehensive PS1 collection. Some of those early 3D games are fascinating but nearly unplayable.

Einhander was all polygons.