
Sorry, getting my ‘minas’ mixed up!

Widespread Panic?

I forgot Denzel, not sure though if he has his own film company?

1) Annie takes place in the 30s, right after ‘the Golden Era’

That’s your reply to someone refuting with logical points? “Change their demeanor”?

So it’s up to white people to promote POC instead?? Why exactly? Name any other industry where one race is responsible for furthering the careers of another “because”?

Well, you seem to be the only one in this conversation blaming one race for this issue, when I’ve clearly laid out points refuting them.

...where they will go on to a promising career in the soundly ignored WNBA!

There obviously isn’t “a burden” when each has their own studio, while one has an entire network to showcase POCs. Secondly, the fact that you immediately jump from “you people” to “white people learn to stop being so racist” in an article specifically pointing out that black films were far superior to white ones

They have the most power and money to get movies made. Will Smith used to, but his movies were comedies mostly. John Singleton and Spike Lee to a lesser extent but their movies have decreased in quality and box YES.

Which then means neither is Michelle Obama, right?

Revisiting that genre with a diverse cast would be so interesting.

??? How many other white female political figures have been made into movies? Jackie O was one of the most famous women in history, the fact her husband was assassinated RIGHT NEXT TO HER is enough of a story.

...we had “Annie” and that movie was trash.

it’s clear that white mediocrity still dominates conversations and capital—see: Manchester by the Sea, La La Land, Nocturnal Animals