
Somewhere there is a hilarious police report from the ‘90s, I want to say Philadelphia or Baltimore, where a men’s ballet company got in a bar fight and just completely beat the shit out of a bunch of locals who insulted them to their faces. I can’t find it on Google, and I haven’t seen it in ten years, but it is a

I know the feeling. I also feel that in regards to a certain comedian that the internet just won’t STFU about right now and whom I absolutely cannot stand, but to each her own.

I’ve long said Amy’s talents are not in her standup. She put together a great team of writers and she is maybe one of the few comics whose show is better (by a long shot, really) than her comedy. Her sketches are very smart, but many of them can’t translate well into solid standup jokes. The Friday Night Lights parody

I want to find her funny but her casual racism is fucking gross and her non apology was super gross and I hate how she’s always wearing over the knee boots because they never go w her outfits.

I know the whole world is apparently in love with Amy Schumer but I can’t understand it, personally. I just don’t find her funny. (Please note, I am not saying I don’t find women funny, just Amy Schumer). I have friends who try are always trying to play her stuff around me so that I can “get it”. It doesn’t help. I

Am I the only one who thinks Amy Schumer is overrated?

Okay, without leaping into the broader question of whether Amy mocks racists or is racist: White people of Jezebel, you have to stop telling POC they shouldn’t be offended. Seriously. Stop. Please.

Have you watched the stand up? She spends ZERO time building up the baseline persona to actually create effective satire. It’s basically people laughing at the racist one liners (which by the way, are SO lazy)

In what context is “I used to date Hispanic men, but now I prefer consensual”, “Nobody works 100% percent of the time, except for Mexicans”, “Black people - why are they so loud” or jokes about how latinos are women beaters, Indians are smelly, black people should get better names NOT racist?

Nah just repeating the LAZIEST racist stereotypes is not ‘moving between personas’ - she prefaces the joke by saying “I’m racist” but people are not laughing at her racism, they’re laughing at the stereotype because she doesn’t build up the racist persona. It’s just a line to start off the rcist jokes.

Day: What the fuck did I do?

I'm getting pretty tired of JJ Watt's schtick.

They’ve only been discontinued in America & a few other countries. They’re still prescribed & manufactured elsewhere in the world so maybe people sneak them in to the U.S. , or he has a hook-up? That’s my guess anyway.

When the supply was going to be cut off, people started hoarding them. Supposedly all the hoarders have run out, but there are always chemists willing to cook for the right price.

I was referring to the tendency of white people to want to honor tragedies when white people are the ones suffering, but then encourage everyone to “move on” or “heal” when POC are the victims.

Jesus. Hector. Christ. I hope someone proposes during her stupid fucking wedding. I hope everyone who’s not the bride wears white just to spite her. I hope her maid of honor gives a really mean, passive-aggressive speech. I hope her aunt gets too drunk and hits on the groom, and he goes for it.

Still not on her side. I mean it does suck that Adam Sandler sucks, no shit. But did anyone else see her interview with Rich on Gawker yesterday? Fuck Rose McGowan.

It really is the best fucking album. I wish more people knew that.