
While I personally enjoy the music of both Gaga and Lorde, I feel as though Gaga’s tribute captured not only the energy/ambition of Bowie’s music but also the metamorphosis of Bowie as an artist. Gaga was the natural, and in my opinion, the only present day artist that could deliver on such a feat. Both performances

Exactly. He was amazing in that film. Although I didn’t really love the movie, I still walked away from it all impressed by the performance.

In The Revenant, and Legend he was spectacular, although I didnt like Legend that much at all. I thought he was great in Mad Max as well. For some people it seems, limited dialogue equates to a forgettable performance. That’s unfortunate.

Hyperbole on the internet?? Lol. But seriously, all are great actors, but the end result always comes down to personal preference. For me my group is Hardy, Redmayne, Idris, Cumberbatch, and Chadwick Boseman.

In Mad Max his character wasn’t supposed do much more than grunt, and I’d argue that he had the lion’s share of the dialogue in The Revenant.

I think he actually does all of that pretty well. *outside of that ridiculous bane voice* haha

Carrying a series isn’t something a lot of great actors ever do, and while I absolutely love Cranston, we’ll have to disagree when it comes to whether or not Hardy can be “convincing” enough in a role. I think he’s already proven that.

Huh? Haha I genuinely think he’s an extremely talented actor. I’m a heterosexual male, but will concede that he is rather attractive.

Tom Hardy is the best male actor alive, and it’s not even close. While I think Leo did an amazing job in The Revenant, Tom Hardy stole every scene he was in. Had I not known that Hardy was in the film when I watched it, I would’ve never guessed that THAT was him.

This was so cool, I don’t think I’ve ever been that confident in myself.

Morning Joe showed me the “light”. As in I was so pissed off while watching it that I stopped watching Cable News altogether for quite some time. Now I just watch Hayes, Maddow, and the weekend morning shows on CNN and MSNBC. Life is better.

I feel the same way whenever I see an article about her. I always walk away from them with a desire to try and do a little bit better.

Even on my best days, I’m still like 1/1oth of the human being that she is. We don’t deserve her.

No one knows :(

Hahaha glad to share. As far as i know, this is the last we hear about her. Look up Final Fantasy 7 House. A lot of people believe that she’s the same antagonist.

Oh I’ve already read that too haha. It’s all one continuation.

I think the last story I read is when she moved in with all these young professionals and they had to kick her out... I really want to know what she’s doing now.

Whenever someone tells me that they’re bored, I send them that link. They always come back like an hour later with ALL THE QUESTIONS :D

Lil Jon & The East Side Boyz