
Fuck this guy. All he does is yell at video games while making a pile of cash and turning legions of kids into even bigger morons, as if just playing video games for 6 hours a day wasn’t enough to melt their brains and secure their place in society as a liability...they play video games, THEN they waste even more

And not have to eat pesky delicious pizza.

All I know is 2017 is a great time to be 48. I am blissfully ignorant of who PewDiePie, Maker, JonTron, or Grumpy Gamers or whatever are or why they exist, but I can still open ports on my router for Plex.

Two words... Vol ume.

Some pretty bad acting right there.

Cool. Now back to your regularly scheduled program, Turning Kids into Illiterate Shrieking Idiots Who Never Go Outside, Grow Up With Zero Social Skills, and Say “Bro” Incessantly.

He never cashed in? Not sure you know how YouTube works.

Since the majority of self obsessed millennial commenters can’t possibly read something well written and funny online without trying to one-up the author with dozens of “look over here! this is also funny! and you forgot this or that!” replies, I would just like to say thank you Drew. Funny, funny stuff. As is.

Hahaha, only a millennial could twist a core flaw into a benefit.

I miss the days of the internet when the biggest issue was viagra spam.

No worries. It’s just a matter of time ‘til Trump has the FBI on his case for something.

Amazingly, that’s not even her biggest transformation.

“But by focusing on fake problems and even making up problems allows me to not focus on real problems in the world.”

Nothing guarantees a loophole getting closed like a blog post. Good job.

Art to Fart

I’m. 48 year old photo retoucher who lived an extended bachelorhood until marrying my now 36 year old doctor wife 5 years ago. I gave up my Xbox 360 a couple of years before we wed, not out of pressure to stop playing, but more out of being too busy with a new person in my life, who wasn’t a gamer.

With any luck this will be a turning point. There’s a message in this incident...create and foster public obsession over your every move, and there will be consequences.

Damn Apple for leaking the iPhone 30 minutes early and confirming what everyone has already known for the past several months down to the last detail.

Same thing happened the last time I tried to do my stand up comedy routine on the subway...crickets.

A dessert encased in bagel dough is not my idea of delicious, especially when the runoff from the main course has seeped into it.