
Grea idea! Let’s trade abusing whales for even more car exhaust, so that global warming happens that much faster, the oceans heat up nice and toasty, and the whales are killed off completely.

I wish they would do that with the 1-800-CARSFORKIDS commercials.


Yes, and “amazing” refers to anything that happened to you that was remotely ok.

Three cheers for all the future destroyed lives and families this magic missile will ensure, in the name of freedom!

Did you brush your teeth?

So I’ve read about this “disease”, cursorily here and there. Everything I’ve read mentions the fiber samples people keep pulling out of their skin and saving. But I have yet to read any test results. Are doctors dismissing these people to the point of throwing away their fiber samples? Has anyone actually tested them

They all look like they ordered the exact same crap from some kind of Etsy Skymall.

Was this post sponsored by Samsung or some other deep pocket? That's the only reason I can imagine anyone felt compelled to bring this marginalized crap to an even wider audience.

"Want to charge your laptop and use a mouse? Tough shit."

In umpteen years of buying universal remotes, none has performed as (relatively) effortlessly and flawlessly as our 2 Logitech Harmony Smart Control remotes. Touch screen remotes are awful. The combination of ease of programming (via computer or phone/device) and RF make it a breeze to use. Best feature? No pesky

An awful lot of corny stupid comments.

An awful lot of corny stupid comments.

Two words. Klipsch X11i.

Ok mostly good writing, but...

Well the studio who retouched these will definitely not be getting any more calls from Terry Richardson, and the retoucher who leaked the RAWs is probably now looking for work.

You must be one of those people who take pictures of the NYC skyline from the top of the Empire State Building with a flash.

Aren't douchebags designed to hold a bunch of water? Dude should have been able to put his own fire.

We are so fucking doomed.

Seriously, not a single mention of Odin Lloyd? Did everyone forget Hernandez's body count is up to 3?