And a Georgia O'Keefe knockoff.
And a Georgia O'Keefe knockoff.
Not to mention it's about the 47th article in as many days that has used the T word here on Giz. Note to editor, the T word has joined "winning" as the summer's most over used and quickly played out word. It's over. Move on.
And WTF is it even supposed to mean?
does the article not clearly state this?
I can't believe there aren't more people complaining about the lack of cached page links. I use that feature constantly.
Great gadget reporting as usual.
"We just happened to set up this boring, poorly composed time lapse shot, on this mundane corner, because we thought it would make for an awesome video. We had no idea we'd find a sloth like man when we played it back."
It's the non-ironic Alanis Morrisette kind of irony.
I love that pic and have since I first saw it. Gursky rox.
this article are interested
People that take up a seat ALL DAY in a busy place, forcing others go with no seat, SUCK, period, end, dot. I don't care what you paid for, or what you think you're entitled to, you SUCK.
Gizmodo with a misleading, click inducing title? NEVER!
Gee, I wonder why none of the other tech blogs have picked this up. Oh wait, it's not tech news. Not even sure why it's on jalopnik. And why have separate sites if you're all gonna just recycle each other's stories?
I smell a new cop show.
Money and time well spent. Good job, Tennessee. Way to tackle your state's major problems head on.
I keep typing, but my browser keeps taking me to
So how many tons of sticky blue radioactive dried goo are you left to dispose of after spraying/peeling off this stuff for say, a street full of 5 story buildings?
The Universe, aka The Big Laser Clam.
When I was a kid, if someone saw you wearing a helmet for anything besides football, you were in for an ass kicking on the spot.
Handsome chap.