
Liability? Stupid lawyers. I would think the liability is the illegality of NOT reporting an assault you clearly have audio of. They just don’t want to dick around with cops and the court when they have BS channel packages to upsell. In the case of the calls assisted over the phone service deaf people use, it is

I gave it time to pass judgement but those instances of them telling users to harrass Ellen or more recently getting butt hurt by Buzzfeed looks pretty bad and a marker for what would be a problem going forward. Those are only similar by genre. They may have gotten worked up too fast but they were on the right track

The strike page will tell you if the flagging was automatic or manual. But seeing how they handled only genre sameness of Ellen or Buzzfeed, they were already being far more aggressive than they claimed their intentions were. It’s what you do, not what you say that usually gets you in the most trouble