Simon Woods

He signed the same kind of Direct to Video deal Bruce Willis did. A of money up front for a multi-picture deal, that requires maybe a week of work per movie, and they can use his name and picture on the box cover.

Also, lol at the islamaphobia link linking to Al Jazeera. That’s about as unbiased as if I were supporting some right wing B.S. and linking to Breitbart.

The most annoying conservatives AND the most annoying liberals both hate Bill Maher? Well, he must be doing something right.

It makes me laugh that we have now decided to revise history, that because we have finally decided that Roman Polanski isn’t a good guy, his movies suck, too, even though they have been regarded as absolute classics since they came out.

So, he’s a humanitarian.

AV Club’s reviewer hated this show last season, and then didn’t review it at all this season. Dirk Gently was so good it made me like the AV Club a little less.

Yeah, I have to agree with Vajayjay Leno. Some of your problems with the writing of the show are because you haven’t paid attention to it. Saru explicitly states that for the first time in his life the instinctual fear is gone. Also, T’Rell (or L’Rell) clearly has cooked up some plot with the Admiral. And the Kol

When was there trolling? I saw some disagreeing, but no trolling. And he wasn’t wrong about AV Club comment section cliqueishness. Do you have to be in the e-mail chain to get the list of accepted views you all share, or what?

Don’t you know? Disagreeing is trolling these days. I didn’t even see his demeanor change. He was an insufferable prick from the start, but it takes more than that to seem menacing to me. But, because you or I don’t scare as easy as anyone else in this thread, I guess it makes us Trump Supporters.