
Boy I feel old. I first remember seeing the evacuation of the American Embassy in Vietnam on TV in 1975, but at 6 years old I wasn’t really aware of what was happening. My first major awareness event was the Iran hostage crisis at the end of Carter’s term.

You’re incorrect on that. Most judges actually bend over backward to give the side without a lawyer the benefit of the doubt in every contended point during a hearing or trial. They are usually very aware of the inequality and don’t want to let the pro se litigant be railroaded.

Nothing - she’s exiting stage west (for Highgarden), and that’s probably the last you’ll see of her. Only about 10 episodes to go in the series.

Oh that’s so much fucking better.

You’re not watching the same matches I am. Club team parent for two kids, past and present (15 and 12). The physicality of the 12 yo’s matches far exceeds what’s in this video. I actually wonder if the caption has the ages wrong, and this is a 10 or 11 yo’s match.