
If this movie has a subplot involving Mr. Incredible being unable to take care of his kids, then fuck this fucking movie right in every fucking existing fucking orifice and some new fucking orifices we haven’t discovered yet.

I get it. I’m a white straight man. I don’t get to bitch much about representation. But this

“Muggle” isn’t a derogatory term. “Mudblood” is the derogatory term.

You forgot the first appearance of Cate Blanchett’s horns in Thor: Ragnorak

I am so damn excited for this.


I believe the general answer is: “No.”

Or, those of us who want to see more Hamlet see it. Those who don’t can see some other play.

IO9 writer demands actors to stop acting in Shakespeare.

Have you ever written an entirely positive piece, about something you unabashedly love, perhaps in spite of (or because of) its flaws? Or are you io9's resident, designated Grumpy Cat, out to find the fault in all content? I’m worried, KT, that you seem destined to suffer Patton Oswalt’s strongest curse: “You will

Who’s forcing you to see all these productions of Hamlet?

My theater legit groaned when Farrell transformed into Depp, with a few giggles interspersed in and one guy who yelled “Oh, c’mon!”

Look, I made it better!

This gentleman would like to have a word with you.

I’m sorry, but saying the concept of Ragnarok can be spoiled is like issuing a spoiler alert before noting the Titanic sunk. Come on, now.

So... You’re bothered by something that you can easily avoid...

Oh! the irony of using “witch hunt” in this context! Yes, let us use this term whose etymology is rooted in a hugely misogynist and patriarchal period of our country’s past when women and girls were accused for going out of step of strict gender roles to describe the actions of when men are accused of upholding strict