
THis is a good point. Why isn’t there a Loki film yet? He has been a hero before and would make a good anti-hero. Seems like a slam dunk for Marvel

Thor has never not been “interesting.” His movies haven’t served him that well (though I will defend Thor: The Dark World to the death) but Thor himself has been great.

Fuck solo feature, cause then it’d be over after 2-2.5 hours. I want that as a series!

I’m still waiting for the Loki solo feature where Darcy is his sidekick/Doctor Who-style companion and they have a Layer Cake-esc adventure.

Someone on YouTube called him Darth Ball, which has been my favorite so far.

“If you’re scared of clowns, it’s probably thanks to....”
The fact that they are monsters who start their day hiding who they are by painting ghoulish false smiles on their faces, like the pleasing camouflage of a woodland creature luring in prey, and who, at best, love to invade the personal space of children in order

Thanks. I never wanted to sleep again anyway.

My choice would have been Ian Anthony Dale, a semi-regular on the tv series Hawaii 5-0, who is most certainly half-Japanese and close to middle age (39):

That is fucking stupid. Who wants to walk around with a wig on their head? You know how hot a wig can get? It would be more pretentious to spend thousands of dollars for an awesome wig than just deal with the bald head.

The possibility of allegiance is enough and, again, this is no different from the requirement to be US President. To your statement regarding the Crown, the Queen is the Head of State in name only with the UK and other Commonwealth member nations existing as seperate and distinct countries with their own laws and

I, too, am moistened.

You’re complaining about spoilers in an article summarizing footage from a movie that is still a year away.

Duly noted.


Dear Zachary, if you are writing this seriously, I can only assume that your parents were murdered by the concept of fun after a screening of Zorro when you were a child. Because. Holy shit.

I bet you’re fun at parties

I wonder if them hitting Thor with their spaceship is a call back to the 1st Thor movie and Thor’s unfortunate ability to get struck by vehicles? If it’s played like that (mostly for laughs) then I’m 100% on board.


A few thoughts:

1) I’m going to miss Capaldi so much. I don’t care who comes after him, they’re going to have one hell of a battle on their hands to try and match his performance. He’s eclipsed my prior favourites, McCoy and Baker.

2) Simm and Gomez had searing chemistry. We need some sort of convoluted timey-wimey

over here we have an affable dad-like presenter who has always been a stalwart of breakfast tv, called eammonn holmes. He now works for sky news uk. One time back when he still worked for ITV and Derren was just starting out as a big name he had him on the morning sofa. He sits there openly mocking Derren in a light