
Sorry, but you define ‘Death becomes her’ as a horror movie? No. A slightly grotesque comedy, but not what most people would even consider horror.

Yes, Muspelheim is one of the Nine Realms.

Mmmm ... Sam Witwer ...

Yeah, I realised it was Simm-Master very early on (you can’t fully disguise that mouth/smile), and I was just waiting and musing on when and how the big reveal might finally occur. However, I do wonder whether it would have occurred to me quite as quickly had I not already known that the Master was returning this ep.

Yep, as soon as he started to speak it was obvious to me it was Simm - it’s the mouth and the smile, you can’t quite hide that. So I was just waiting for the un-disguising...

This ^^

Damn, I didn’t know that. I thought she was just wearing flats because she’s cool and doesn’t give a flying fuck about acquiescing to red carpet diktat AND I LOVED HER FOR IT.

Bless their little hearts for trying, but if you’re going to attempt something pretty epic a cappella it really does need to be spot on. IMHO they needed some female voices to cover the higher notes, because those falsettos didn’t quite cut it.

Oh, rubbish. He was fine in Kong (let’s face it, a bland, underwritten human role in a movie which was ALLLL about the great big CGI ape), and perfectly good in Crimson Peak. And while I Saw the Light was not a particularly good film (poor direction and editing), every single reviewer I read pointed out that

“And while there has been property damage, thankfully no one was seriously injured by Cyclone Debbie.”

NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!! Where are the little plaits? I need the little plaits!! Now he looks too Hemsyish and not Thorish enough.

Frankly, the main reason I was happy with the racebending was because as a result we got to see the delightful performance of Sennia Nanua as Melanie.

Yes!! I don’t know why I have taken so strongly against Waterston, but with her as lead my interest in this film has dipped from 100% to about 10%. She just annoys the crap out of me - I haven’t liked her work in anything I’ve seen.

Yes!! I don’t know why I have taken so strongly against Waterston, but with her as lead my interest in this film has dipped from 100% to about 10%. She just annoys the crap out of me - I haven’t liked her work in anything I’ve seen.

Okay, I’ll fess up. I’ve never read any Ursula K Le Guin - but now I seriously want to.

I think I’m going to have to see this, potential hide-behind-fingers dental scene notwithstanding.
(Oh, and hello to Jason Isaacs.)


Similar flavour and ingredients, but a bit denser in texture.

Er, no - happily quite ignorant in fact (I’m a major spoiler-avoider). As I said, I’d forgotten this character was in the original (because I hadn’t seen it in years and years), and wasn’t terribly familiar with Cushing himself as an actor - he was just some older dude with a vaguely familiar face. But there was

Everyone I know who has no idea who Peter Cushing is or that he’s dead had no idea that it was CG.