
Dunno, that’s a pretty basic one right there. You want to be salty and pissy and not even extend the courtesy of a handshake, then yeah, I’m fine with Sherman’s reaction. Sherman didn’t do the equivalent of throwing a fastball at someone’s head, he just said it motivated him. Nothing to see here.

Luke-warm take: It’s ok to be annoyed if a guy refuses to shake your hand before the game.

I like Richard Sherman - I don’t think he’s asking too much to have a respectful handshake before the game. Why not?

That actually tracks with the conservative mindset. Conservatives love the police, fire department, military and, depending on where their situation, they also love Medicare, Medicaid and SNAP benefits but they hate all forms of socialism.  

Schrödinger’s economy: it is both Communist and capitalist until the bureaucracy figures out what it’s supposed to be doing.

They don’t mind if they use communist authoritarianism to make capitalists profit.

China’s ability to be both communist and very capitalist at the same time depending on what they’re doing and to whom is amazing.

Ted Cruz is a straight-up (Zodiac) killer on the hardwood.

> The fact that this stuff deranges me is about the only clue I have that I’m still living in reality.

I almost wrote a comment in itself about the Chiefs defense as there are some really huge issues there. Next week will be really interesting as they are playing the Texans then and I want to see how the D adjusts.

re: the pats beating them twice last year - you also need to factor in how awful the chiefs D is.

Really fun game and it did highlight something interesting about the KC offense that will be intriguing to watch as it goes on. Mahomes is an awesome QB, probably the best offensive player in the NFL at the moment, but it felt the Chiefs offense is built on the chaos he is able ride out. Once the interior line

At first I really enjoyed that Baldinger video. Then I felt uncomfortable.

“This is exactly how you win a game, just run every play. Keep ‘em guessing because they’re gonna expect you to throw it eventually, but they’ll be wrong.

“ my great and unmatched wisdom...”

I thought it was a still from the Mos Eisley cantina scene

“Wow immigration is complicated! I better stick to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, who can catch me up to speed on what’s happening over there?”

Who would have thought ______ would be so complicated?”

Interesting reboot of “The Picture of Dorian Gray”

That’s why his forehead is so big. It’s full of secrets.