
got it right out of college (future wife who was the carrier but never got the symptoms. Damn her!). I lost 15 pounds over 2 weeks, used up all half of my vacation time after I had exhausted my sick time, just stayed on the couch in our living room all day. I’m not sure what was worse, the sore throat which felt like

Good Lord, that is some terrible pass protection.

The Jets play the Browns on Monday night, and then the Patriots, Eagles, Cowboys, and Patriots again. So while Darnold will be at home [..] the Jets will be busy going 0-6.

He saved you from getting ripped, really, because turning down grilled cheese means you have no soul.

*sigh* it keeps getting better doesnt it?


It might be considered an improvement on being the Jets QB.

Waiting for the whole team to come down with mono the way NHL teams kept getting the mumps.

So while Darnold will be at home playing Minecraft and yelling at his mom because he doesn’t want to eat tomato soup for lunch again

Is it? I’d rather play for the Jets than have to watch the Jets. 

Barry Petchesky: I’ll take Catastrophic Jets Injuries for $30 million, Alex

Man I had that in high school for real. Spent a month laying on the living room couch throwing up into a bucket. Probably lost 20 pounds. This isn’t going to help being the Jets QB.

So to summarize: Best WR Quincy injures neck on his one catch,Starting QB gets mono, AND, Head coach will probably OD on smelling salts and coffee by the end of the week.

My girlfriend’s sister had mono when we were all in college. I was terrified I’d get it because my girlfriend was the super jealous type and she would have accused me of kissing her sister or something. And the last thing I’d want is my girlfriend yelling at me because then my wife would find out.

It’s the Curse of Sanchez

It could be worse…

I thought it was 1855?

I thought about adding these qualifiers but it just wasn’t as stupidly catchy.

Yeah, they wish it was 1955, except for the high top marginal tax rates, broad consensus about the appropriateness of broad social welfare programs, the understanding that the 2nd Amendment protected a right to bear arms in connection with militia service and nothing more...