
Well good for you but sponges are horribly contaminated pieces of foam. A weakened immune system's enemy for sure. And you gladly rub them all over your plates and silverware b/c its not apparent that its causing any immediate harm. If you have an opportunity to use something healthier why not go for it?

Quit bragging.

C'mon guys, anyone that points to these "rules" is naive to think that when you offer money to the public via the internet for something like this, people won't push the limits. And what qualifies as "invading his privacy" quickly becomes a gray area.

3 - You want things to move just for the sake of it? Whats the purpose?

Well this is a bunch of BS.

But they do that for any set of custom IEMs. Thats standard procedure. You don't have to pay $2K for that.

Gotcha thanks for the knowledge.

Why does it happen twice so close together in time and then not again for 100+ years?

Yeah what the...

Dwight Schrute?

I remember before the 4s I saw this mockup of what some expected the iPhone 5 to look like and I really liked it. All aluminum back (or liquid metal?). What would be the downside of going this route? Heat retention? Weaker cell/GSP signal?

Ha nice

I remember when we used to call stuff like this "natural selection" and not a "trend".

I pay extra for it in fact.

You answered your own question right in the title. "Whats the point of a dagger clearly designed for killing?" Well... killing.

$14.00 for a movie ticket here in NYC. Every 6 months it goes up another $0.50

If Sony REALLY wanted to get authentic they should just put it up on pirate bay. I mean c'mon. That's clever marketing right there.

For anyone that is interested in custom IEMs, I've used Westone AC1s for about a year now. I paid $360 total. $60 for the ear molds (live in NYC, probably cheaper elsewhere) and $300 for the monitors. Another upside to getting custom IEMs is that the cable is replaceable ($30). I've spent over a $100 several times for

With good IEMs that create a good seal, you don't need to turn up the volume that loud at all. They are better than regular buds.

Man that show just isnt the same without Steve.