Battlestar Morganica

I am in Oregon not far from Roseburg and I am sick with disgust at how he was greeted when he arrived. I have lived in Oregon my entire life and it never ceases to amaze me how conservative we really are at our core. Everyone local hates the mass amounts of Californians moving here but I welcome it since they seem to

I am! Though I just call it plant based. I have lifelong health problems and am allergic to many things like chocolate and coffee. I don’t like meat or eggs and I rash from yeast or dairy so that leaves me a technical gf vegan. I eat a lot more than kale though. Just last night my hubs made black bean and chili

My first reaction when I read the headline was “hell no are they going to tell me what I can or can't do in my sex life!” Then I realized it was addressing parental spanking and now I am not so worked up. Don’t spank your kids. Spank your partner....but only when they are begging for it!

Depending on where you are at, there is usually an elevated toilet with a stool to put your feet on to put your body in proper positioning. Only in rural or very old buildings have I seen just a ground option and in those cases...I have no idea.

My mother is a selfless and amazing woman with creativity dripping from every pore. There is not an ounce of negativity in that woman so much so that she drives me mad with her caring. That being said, we all have our "things." Her thing is that she is one adorable air head. My favorite example of this takes place at

I did this too! I would also go through the pile of stuffed animals at the store and find the most deformed looking one and buy it. This started when I noticed my grandma would compare every single toy until she found the perfect one. This terrified me because I assumed every mom did this and all the ones with wonky

I had to ask for help from my family for this one! I was too strange to keep track of it all but we concluded my top two offbeat things I consistantly did are:

Yes! And someone to represent a true bisexual. I am a married bi woman who happened to partner with a man. Some of my family view my dating women as a phase and breathed a sigh of relief when I married him. It drives me crazy that my attraction to women is not taken seriously. I just happened to find a man who eats

That's a big assumption. All he is saying is that watching porn as an individual does not promote rape culture. I am a sexual abuse victim and die hard feminist and I still love porn. Just like everything in life, there is good and bad. Porn and sex can both be used for horrible and wonderful purposes but assuming the

Yes, I see that. But to think the only people who are anti vax are above 30 and wealthy is also very ignorant. Maybe it is because I live in a very anti vax concentrated area of the country and see how diverse the population is. I am under thirty and not wealthy by any means and encounter anti vaxers frequently. By

This is awesome.

Getting pissed is completely understandable! However, when you use words like morons, you are going to instantly turn the listener off to what you are actually trying to inform them about. I had my son at 20 years old and had NO IDEA what I was doing. His first doctor, like actual MD, was against vaccinations

A few years ago at Emerald City Comic Con my husband and I met Paul Scheer. We first saw him going down an elevator while we were headed up and by the time we reached the top to turn around, he was gone. I was determined to find him so we walked the whole Con searching. This would be a good time to tell you that I was

"One size fits all"

that is supposed to say referral, not federal and my phone won't let me edit...or more likely I am not tech savy.

There are several different things that could be going on. It would be hard to lead you in a direction without knowing your medical history, past trauma, if you have children and how they were delivered. I would highly recommend the book 'Ending Female Pain' by Isa Herrera. It is free with Kindle unlimited! But worth

Thank you so much for posting this! I am a pelvic floor therapist and this is something I treat with amazing results. The pelvic floor muscles are only just now being recognized and when I was in school they were absent from every text book. I had to seek out special training and got into pelvic care work because of

You said this perfectly. I am a woman's pelvic floor therapist and a lot of what I advocate is connecting to your womb and following your cycle. I recently had a trans woman accuse me of being anti-trans because of my very pro vagina, pro woman talks. It seemed like no matter how I explained that my focus is on the

I have zero problems with transgender men or women but I am also a woman's pelvic floor therapist and vagina advocate. I was recently accused of being anti-trans by a trans woman who did not like my female empowerment talks. She felt like they were too vagina=woman focus and I can see why. Most of my talks are

Props to Obama for recognizing the fathers rights as well. Its no Denmark but its a start!