
Yup. Democrats vote for people they like; Republicans vote against people they hate. The truth is, the men and women (alike) wouldn’t have voted for Clinton in any case. Now, everyone is scrambling to say this third party vote (which is smaller than usual anyway) is bad, and third parties are bad, and the election

why are you assuming clinton was owed those votes

You’re acting surprised that Americans aren’t engaged politically, like that hasn’t been the case for decades. It just so happens that we had two awful candidates and no one was excited to see what would happen if either won.

Why didn’t Obama lose bc of Cynthia McKinney? maybe Gore and Clinton really are bad candidates...both couldn’t capitalize on the popularity and ethusiasm for their democratic predecessor

Why didn’t you guys just make third parties illegal after 2000 if they’re so terrible? Fuck, why didn’t you guys do ABSOLUTELY. ANYTHING. about this problem when it happened sixteen years ago? I’m repeating myself but I haven’t heard a single goddamn argument explaining it. Libertarians can’t pass laws, they don’t

Everyone I know who voted Johnson voted Republican down ticket. That’s just 3 people and completely anecdotal, but if you really forced Johnson voters to pick Trump or Clinton, I’m not sure it would’ve swung the election in her favor anyway.

I think he did. If anything Johnson most likely helped make this closer for Hillary than it otherwise would’ve been. Trump won whether Gary Johnson existed or not.

Seriously? This shit again?

Fuck people who stayed home, wrote in Bernie, or left the President choice blank (My Father.) even more.