
You’ve got the touch.


God. Reading that, knowing what has transpired there over the past couple years, including the same spokeswoman and her comments....RAGE is all I feel.

PP acknowledges that Sanger held some horrific beliefs. Her beliefs have nothing to do with the services they provide now. Unfortunately many things were founded by people who held shitty beliefs.

Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that Margaret Atwood will call them liars. 

I would like to personally thank Trump for distracting me from the fact that the Red Sox paid David Price $217 million

I don’t even remember specific story lines. Just that they were all terrible and no one on that show could act to save their lives.

I guess there are blind spots on these little Carrs.

When my wife went through 40 hours of labor, I was glad that she finally knew what it felt like when I got a cold.

I wouldn’t say that they ignore most of what he says. It just isn’t surprising to them. They (and most people) expect it from him. Where as most people expect Hillary to be calculating and diplomatic.

Everybody should check out No No: A Dockumentary if they haven’t already. Also I couldn’t get my phone to post this gif properly.

Watt, you made the worst internet mistake. Never respond to “that guy”. That’s like responding to the “grays” on Kinja.

Year round Nantucket residents are nothing at all like the wealthy folks who merely summer there. It can get pretty desolate in off season without a lot of employment opportunity.

This is by far the best comment anywhere.

Remember when you could join a cult without being in peak physical condition?

This varies *a lot* from one gym to another. If you feel that your coaches are doing this to you, you are in the wrong place. If something feels wrong, or if you feel unprepared for a workout or exercise or lift, and your coach isn’t doing their utmost for you, leave. I’ve been at my Crossfit gym for three years, and

This is a reasonable and correct take and has no place in Kinja.

Good thing he didn’t say that, then.

No Sanders supporter owes Clinton their vote. The onus is on her to earn those votes, and if she can’t, then she’s flawed, not the voters.