My mom made my sister and I un-birthdays, celebrated on the corresponding day in June. As an adult, I look forward to my un-birthday (which my sister and I still exchange cards and cake) more than my real birthday.
My mom made my sister and I un-birthdays, celebrated on the corresponding day in June. As an adult, I look forward to my un-birthday (which my sister and I still exchange cards and cake) more than my real birthday.
I lived between mile 22 and 23 for the California International Marathon for a few years, and made my sister get up to stand outside with me in the (California) cold to cheer on runners. The year that I did CIM, my sister stood outside and cheered me (and everyone else) on. She also told me that she gave out: water,…
Greasy breakfast food is the best after drinking, and start sipping water as soon as you are done with your booze. In college, I worked next to a bagel shop that did awesome breakfast sandwiches which got me through hungover sunday mornings.
I'm with the not an asshole quality, but I'd like to add: has a job, likes dogs, and (of course) likes me. Other than that, I say good luck and godspeed to this woman with the laundry list.