
somebody really really doesn’t like Stephen A.

“This is the game where Ryan Leaf finally delivers on the potential that the Chargers drafted him for!”

So...if I understand this right, the whole marketing pitch for the XFL is “they WILL stand for the National Anthem”? That’s it??

If you’ve gambled and lost mortgage payments on the NIT, Vince McMahon has the league for YOU!

Whatever this movie is gonna kick ass

McDonough, like Joe Buck and 99 percent of the broadcasters you all hate on, is very good. fans are not good judges of broadcasters, because they want broadcasters to be fans. it’s not a cheerleading job.

GOD turned that water into ice, heathen!

The fact that announcers and reporters will seemingly NEVER not be amazed that Foxborough is cold and shitty is truly the gift that keeps on giving.

When I was a kid and the “Wazzup” commercials were on the air, I quoted them because I was a stupid kid who thought quoting a beer commercial was cool. I can’t imagine why grown adults would do the same.

Stop saying Dilly Dilly.

Fuck that clown and his “dilly dilly” sign. What a shitty commercial.

Vince can expect the full support of the president. Backing failed ventures is what he’s best at.

What Can’t the Browns Do For You?

Worse, Julie would only hold his hand on a contraction to contraction basis. She refused to commit to multiple contractions in a row.

“Andrew, these throws look great, strong, accurate. Gotta say I think you’re ready.”

Yeah, I love that this claim is being offered up with no evidence. You know what sport’s ratings are down even more? Flag humping NASCAR.

“the anthem issue, which has affected TV ratings”

Perhaps 90% of ultra-white, mamby-pamby, self-righteous, ass-sitting-on-the-flag Trumpians, but not of the general public.

Meh, we only follow the laws that we like in this country.

because why wait till after the lions play to have a bad taste in your mouth.