
Based on the featured image, I thought maybe Dexter had started a new life as an MLB player

“THEYYYYYYYY’RE not GREAT!!”- Tony the Tiger referring to his personified football counterparts

You can tell there is true disappointment. Each “fan” story is 10x longer than those of other teams. Every one is impressively long.

“Whereas Conor McGregor is a perfectly fine fighter who’s become a globetrotting superstar on the back of unceasingly brash trash talk, Jones pushes the very boundaries of the sport while destroying everyone in front of him.”

I feel like people aren’t understanding.....the genius of this. WAAOOHHH

I havn’t seen a bear rush like that since Forte’s early years

Quin Snyder looks like a jerkoff

“Is Gordon Hayward good enough to give the Warriors some trouble?” -Thoughts of a stoned Josh Gordon

Paul Wall has really fallen from his days of glory

Havnt seen a slam that hard since watching the United Airlines video

Lebron declining is something that everyone would like to talk about. He’s averaging 26 points and a career high in rebounds & no.

Kevin Johnson’s favorite joke: “Are you a weather man? ‘cause you can expect a few.....” doesn’t finish joke and instead promiscuously advances.

Looks like the guy to the left of Chip Kelly has heard the rumors..