It's a good time for cars. If you want something that runs on patchouli and veggie oil, you can have it. If you want something that can run a fast 1/4 with a car seat in the back, it exists.
It's a good time for cars. If you want something that runs on patchouli and veggie oil, you can have it. If you want something that can run a fast 1/4 with a car seat in the back, it exists.
Blacks are 8 times more likely to commit murder than any other race.
Blacks are 7 times more likely to commit murder and 8 times more likely to commit armed robbery.
The reason probably has to do with the fact that a black man is about 7.5 times more likely to commit a homicide.
""There are reasons why white gun's rights activists can walk into a Chipotle restaurant with assault rifles and be seen as gauche nuisances while unarmed black men are killed for reaching for their wallets or cell phones, or carrying children's toys."
YEAH... the reasons are black males make up less than 6% of the USA…
Maybe it's because the white men use their weapons wisely and the black men largely do not. Have you lived in an inner city? Have you looked at American murder statistics?
the law quantifies the trauma everyone experiences. Life is not binary.
I'm scheduling an interview with my therapist as we speak, posting on tumblr about it, and making sure to tweet my congresswoman.
This article should have had a trigger warning. I had to leave work early and go home after reading it.
Wait, what?
Rollin Coal — BANNED
Give me your stanced, your donked, your bro trucks, yearning to drive free.
Those nogoodniks up in the frozen French north of Quebec just decided to ban your sweet, sweet hellaflush ride, all because stancing it out affects handling and maneuverability in a province with snow nine months out of the year. But we all know that really, it's just The Man trying to keeping you down.
Rule #5: If You Are Documenting Your Sex Life, Something Is Probably Wrong
Or, I don't know, trying to get pregnant.
It wasn't really a joke, but I agree with Raitchison here. It was an off color angry statement, and I think calling it a threat is disingenuous at best. I've seen Jezebel do this a lot lately, where a story will have "rape threats" in big bold letters right in the title, when what was actually said is both tucked…
I had to stop at yours, because honestly, it's bullshit.
It's not a rape threat because he doesn't say he is going to rape her. Why would she be "preparing her (OWN) anus" if she was going to be raped? It doesn't make any sense. This is a false rape *threat* accusation, and shows feminist hypersensitivity. The guy was making some kind of stupid distasteful joke, but not a…