
How does "And Caroline is prepping her anus" rise to the level of a rape threat, instead of a declaratory sentence? That statement can be taken any number of ways, such as"I'm about to ream Caroline's ass in a Twitter war because I'm a pointless douchebag with nothing else to do." College party mogul threatens

Erin why don't you ever cite your sources about who is saying what about whom? It's always "a source" when did this become standard? You need to get these people to go on record or your entire post just reads like the type of gossip you routinely rail against.

What if you've named your pony "MY DAD IS IMPORTANT"? And you like taking her for a trot?

Why aren't you supporting these women, Madeleine? They're confidently speaking their minds and not suppressing their opinions.

Very basic. Feminism has brought in a whole lot of crap that has nothing to do with equal rights.

No I believe that both gender should have the same equal rights are called equalist. Feminism for me means about womens rights.

Try taking a feminist class as a male, or quite a few other 'women's' classes, and you'll see why 'feminist' doesn't always mean what it should. My Mother was the first female to do quite a few things in my home state, and she refused to call herself a feminist because of what others who claimed that title were

just because i'm not a feminist, doesn't mean I don't believe men and women should have equal rights. I don't have to call myself a feminist to believe that.

I love feminism because it helps to keep male disposablity alive. So that means that if I die, then nobody cares :)

I'm not a feminist, just because I'm a woman doesn't mean I have to be a feminist. And if I say I'm not a feminist women that are tends to look down on women like me.

I got the perfect ladycar for that smokin' hot Galaxie.

This case has literally no similarities to the Zimmerman trial. Trayvon was on top of a person, pounding his face. Forensics and witness testimony supports that fact. Theodore Wafer was not at risk of death or serious injury. Period.

It's nice that in the court of Jezebel, Wafer's guilt has already been determined, because the victim was a black woman and the perpetrator is a privileged, white man. Kudos.

And it's obviously the 288GTO...

Ah, the old "my girlfriend in the Ukraine" chestnut. Hadn't heard that one in a while. Warms my heart actually,

way to earn 50 rubles, comrade.

Boeing is really taking this international rivalry seriously. Sheesh.

Your handle makes sense. Pigsty is where you belong.

This is the most un-American thing I've read all day. But you're entitled to your opinion, comrade.