Any recidivism is too high for a sensible person, but that isn't the point.
Any recidivism is too high for a sensible person, but that isn't the point.
High recidivism among sex offenders, including child molesters, is a total myth.
"Our decision does not reflect a position on the innocence or guilt of this former staff member, nor does it comment on, take a position on, support, implicitly or explicitly, any allegations of fact or law made against such person."
the amount of water currently in Bakersfield is likely something just less than nothing. it's drought time in CA
f'real, bro
I bet that dog doesn't even lift
That dogs a fucken pussy, what breed is that pit pussy.
You know that that bathroom graffitti will be taken as the absolute truth whether or not it has been seen as credible. Go ahead and read how many commenters on this posting consider it the truth. That directly contradicts your statement that it has zero credibility.
It is at the heart of this conversation and you're being intellectually dishonest if you don't think that inconvenient fact isn't a key component of what makes this action so distasteful to the author of this post and many commenters here. You ignoring it by saying "blah, blah, blah...asteroids can be abused" is just…
It can be abused if someone decides to exact some vigilante justice on an person who could potentially be innocent. What would make it especially egregious is if someone used it as a means to harm someone they didn't like AND it had nothing to do with rape. It would have the terrible effects of harming an innocent…
I came very close to suicide after I was falsely accused. These idiots are playing with people's lives.
I was giving you the benefit of the doubt. I can see it was unnecessary. From what you wrote, you know it can be abused, but you're still totally fine with it. That's awful.
Everybody seems to forget that the reason these cases get passed around like a hot potato is that they are nearly impossible to prove. A man and a women have intercourse in private. She says he raped her, he says it was consensual. Sure, we believe her, but that's not enough for a conviction. It's a crime uniquely…
Because habeas corpus.
Semen does contain DNA, yes. As for the consent and condom issue, that's where interviews and testing come in, which again brings us back to the hospital. Are you really advocating that assault victims avoid going to the cops and avoid going to the hospital? It's starting to sound like you are but I'd like to ask you…
I can tell you didn't think through how this could be abused.
Are you kidding me? That's like arresting everyone whose name is written down as a "for a good time call" on suspicion of prostitution. A name on a wall is NOT probable cause for anything.
There was a thread here not long ago generalizing Asian men. Apparently, Asian men are now to be ridiculed for taking offense to that, under this "not all men" stuff.
Wait what? Are you an MRA in disguise? Because... that really sounds like MRA speak.