
The meme is the ridiculing. The objection to generalisation is the valid point. Unless it's ok to say "most women are happier staying home with the kids" "most women aren't strong enough to do x" "most women prefer emotional connections with sexual partners" "women are all shrill whiny bitches" "wives nag" "women make

having thick skin is the only reason they're able to get out of bed in the morning and not stay curled up under the covers, crying at what a horrible injustice the world has dealt them.

OK, I'll be sure to LOL next time I see people generalizing women as catty, shallow bitches. If it's funny, it's not a problem!

um, if your goal is to end gender based violence, stereotyping about men and telling them to shut up and put up with it, or else they're not being good allies, isn't exactly a smart way to go about it... to say the least.

No! Men have done this to women since FOREVER, so it's only fair that it happen to men right back for a while. Amirite?

Yep, you are witnessing a tactic that will be used for months to shut down any sort of dissent or thought outside of the echo chamber. Enjoy it

So lets get this straight: generalizing all women is misogynistic and sexist, but generalizing all men is a-ok because reasons.

But don't white feminists do this same thing when called on their bullshit? I don't understand making fun of someone for doing something that you do yourself.

This is super immature and kind of hateful. WTF. Of course not all men commit sexual assault. Does anyone here really think that isn't the case?

This is what happens when internet feminists attempt humor.

Yeah, we're all real sure you would have knocked out a line of dudes, much less one. You probably throw a punch with your thumb tucked inside your fist while your eyes are closed.

Its a voluntary social event, not quite sex-slavery level.

It's a good thing Tesla isn't making a profit. They're investing it into the infrastructure needed for electric cars to be viable (before hydrogen cars come online). That Musk. He's a smart, smug man for sure. Good for him.

I've yet to see anyone apologizing for any rapists on this story but you go ahead and believe that this is a horrific story about a horrific rape and anyone who disagrees is a troll. It's such a reasonable position to take about this specific situation.

I think you are conflating wildly different scenarios. The woman in this case stated, at least originally, that she didn't have sex with anyone, despite being there because of a previous sexual relationship with Kaepernick. Her statements on the matter do not accuse anyone of impropriety. She was taken to the hospital

it may do it for some

Not when you're already in the process of being arrested. That's kind of a crucial difference.

It fits the idiom of my idealized fantasy of being a small time rocknrolla grinding in NYC. Groupies and mild heroin habit not included.

What? Can you read USN in the damn title. Read the post first. And apparently you have docs detailing the RQ-180, or whatever they call it, designs as it went through the dem/eval phase.
