There is no “right” way for a woman to be pregnant. She doesn’t worry enough, she worries too much, she doesn’t take the right precautions, she’s ridiculous, etc.
There is no “right” way for a woman to be pregnant. She doesn’t worry enough, she worries too much, she doesn’t take the right precautions, she’s ridiculous, etc.
Think about all the pregnant women in the US. If they KNOW there are 157 I’m going to guess there are many more. And since it travels by mosquito and from partners, this number will continue to rise. Yikes. Rough time to be pregnant in the US. Well, when isn’t it?
You guys. Joe Jonas and Cole Wittle were walking into Laurel Hardware as I was leaving the last time I was in LA (about a month ago). It was hilarious - they were dressed in their bonkers outfits and there was a small pack of 13 year olds outside trying to get pix. Let me just say - with zero body snarking - that…
Probably for the first time in my life I’m relating to Prince William.
wedding-industrial complex
You had to figure something was up when Leonardo DiCaprio didn’t date her.
Is Patton already working again? Damn. I doubt I could be doing comedy if I were him. I still kind of tear up just seeing him.
I got an initial statement for $35,000 a few weeks after I got out of the hospital after my failed induction/c-section. I think we ended up paying in the region of $2500 after insurance, but man, that was a fun envelope to open.
sadfgdfas the snake hips get me every time
I had a nanny until my youngest was about 5— it rocked and don’t let anyone tell you different. We did the afterschool program for awhile, which was cheaper, but now we’re back to an afterschool sitter for flexibility and it’s the best. I text her like, can you make some brown rice for me for dinner? My kids didn’t…
So I refrained from commenting on this topic on a story that was highlighted yesterday, so now I’m going to. I likely fit the demographic these shows depict. My husband and I are both lawyers, we one vehicles and a nice house. We were together nearly 10 years before we decided to screw up someone elses life and have a…
I’m partial to the buffoon style Hugh of my childhood as seen in Blackadder and Walking On Broken Glass.
Are you watching The Night Manager? He/it is so good.
Yeap. This.
I dunno, I *get* the outrage. This whole “meternity” thing shows that most people think maternity leave is a perk or a vacation and not a necessary time to heal after EXPELLING A HUMAN BEING FROM YOUR BODY ONE WAY OR ANOTHER! I mean, the fact that maternity leave still isn’t mandatorily(ok i made that word up) paid…
Man, I’m gonna be in the minority here, but I thought the video was cute. They look like they’re having fun. I know I look like a jackass when I’m dancing. Except I have rhythm and I make it look good lololol. B)
I’m going to have disagree about Hiddleston. He gives no fucks. He just likes to dance.
It’s dorky but as far as I’m concerned Tom Hiddleston can do whatever he wants
When we get in the car and we’ve brought everything and everybody has socks on, it’s like a dream come true.
Jesus if this just isn’t the perfect summation of what it’s like to be a parent, I don’t know what is.