
I only play Mystery Heroes in the Arcade anymore. Sometimes Total Mayhem if I feel like tanking with Mei... Much more fun and less stress.

And yet incredibly only the second most embarrassing thing Fergie has done on stage.

I have to think they’re purposely doing this while Jon Oliver is on hiatus. #GoFCCYourself

This is Rocky boxing Thunderlips.

Video game drugs is the new woods porn.

People don’t carefully review facts. If they did, we wouldn’t be stuck with Trump as president.

Combining your first and last items, my first car was a 1978 turd brown Chevy Nova. Ugly as hell.

Fareed Zakaria saying “I feel Donald Trump became president tonight,” just about says it all. And what it says is, we’re doomed.

I really want to pick this up—looks fun—but what this 40-something gamer wants to know is how juvenile is it? I almost feel too old to be playing the Tales series, which I enjoy. But the weirdness of those stories keeps it from feeling too young. Am I too old to be playing Persona 5?

Back in my day, I got a turd brown Chevy Nova hand-me-down from my grandpa and I was happy about it.

I thought this was going to be a list of the top five Overwatch ults that cause most panic in the other team as soon as the catchphrase are uttered. That list is: 5. “Fire in the hole!” 4. “Nerf this!” 3. “I’ve got you in my sights.” 2. “Dòng zhù! Bùxu zou!” and 1). “It’s high noon.”

A year end list and no Overwatch mention? You continually surprise me Kotaku...

Remember when that Wookie let out that real loud Tarzan yell when attacking droids from a swinging vine in Revenge of the Sith? That was so Shakespearean of George Lucas.

Final Fantasy XV: Car Pushing Simulator

The worst is when I pick a healer because our team needs that and a tank, and I look over at the rest of my team’s choices and there’s not a tank because there’s three Reapers or two Genjis. In some games all defense or all offense works, but guys how are we going to capture the objective without a gd damn tank? The

Disabling the leaver penalty is a recipe for disaster. Matches would quickly devolve into 6 on 3 if one team is completely dominating another.

What spooked me the most was that the VCR was not present in the videotaped segment that you were watching on the VCR. Which means that it was installed after the deaths depicted on the tape. BUT INSTALLED BY WHO???

I like Simmons, but for the amount of money HBO is spending on this, I would have thought it would just be better for them to throw some promotional spending at Real Sports and call it a day.

You can three shot the turret with Pharah ducking behind cover. Just got to make sure that Torbjorn is away from it or dead first.