
How do you square this with that wonderfully expository bit of dialogue with Willa? Of fucking course he needs love. He said otherwise to the sibs as an antagonism, a puffing up of his chest. He has always had resentment towards them, which they fuel both intentionally and unintentionally, so yeah he takes an

Or the need for an editor?

I was on Reese’s side through the trash talking with Caitlin Clarke and later when she expressed feeling disrespected by Biden’s bad suggestion of a joint LSU/Iowa visit, but she got out over her skis when she didn’t accept Biden’s apology and dragged the Obamas into it.

Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe she approves of the coach.

Maybe she thinks Brittney deserved to rot in prison and is disgusted by gay people. Maybe she really is an asshole and is not interested in doing anything about Kim Mulkey.

I mean, the evidence is there that she just might be.

I can tell you are immature and that bad enough. Jill apologized for her actions. Reese is still showing her ass, maybe you should focus on why she is determined to ruin things for her teammates. She and anyone defending her behavior really need to calm the fuck down.

No one told her to stop talking, but the right to speak out does not give the right to permanent attention.

No matter how much she seems to need it.

Maybe if he’s serious about wanting to be back in the league his list of starters he’s willing to backup should be any and all of them.

Anyone honestly believe the Obamas are going to allow this child to undercut the Bidens when the election coming up? Puh-leaze.

10 people on Twitter really care about this.  Nobody else does. 

“Look at me. I’m still nailed to the cross.”

Bored with this story and with her. Clark won’t take her bait. Biden apologized. Maybe she can find a dog to pee on her shoes and say it was racism.

I keep trying to legitimately understand Jezebel’s problem with Simu Liu but every time I do, I find that it is largely a tiny sample of poorly worded tweets or statements of his that have been taken out of wildly out of context. Jezebel’s “source” each time is the same “edgy” blogger who shouts about how terrible he

It’s a valid comparison, because both are, regardless of what people want to think, just how somebody is. People don’t chose to be a pedophile just as they don’t choose to be gay.

The problem is the arguments for why it is a “bad” comparison are also true.

I think Kylie writes from the heart and lets the editor fact check. (There's no editor at Jezebel.)

What backlash? A few people on Twitter making snide comments isn’t “backlash” that needs to be explained with an obnoxiously sensational headline.

The backlash is... a tweet? Did I miss a second thing?

The reddit posts are one thing (even though he’s not the first nor will be the last celebrity to post cringey b.s. online). But, the Chadwick Boseman comments and Mark Wahlberg “defense” are taken totally out of context. For one thing, it is a fact that Simu Liu and any POC lead in a superhero/afro-futurist movie will

Every other one of those actors has a filmography more than twice the size of Simu’s.  It’s almost as if Kylie doesn’t know about IMDB.

Steven Yeun is in EVERYTHING. I love him, he deserves it, but it’s weird as heck to act like he’s somehow missing out on roles to Simu Liu.

This whole article seems to have some racist undertones (or maybe its just overtones).

And the winner of the 2023 Slidey award for Slideshow using the word “Clean” way too many goddam times, is THIS GUY for THIS SLIDESHOW