She claimed her father lived on a reservation near Dallas, but there isn’t one. She keeps insisting she has proof of her claims regarding her father but has yet to present any.
She claimed her father lived on a reservation near Dallas, but there isn’t one. She keeps insisting she has proof of her claims regarding her father but has yet to present any.
Okay I’m going to be the worst here, and this is based purely on my experiences. I am not a doctor. But, for Depressed Work Chick:
The best kind—the kind who earned it.
The second piece of advice after “run” is “but know that very few people will help you and those in power will actively make it harder.”
This is the dumbest, and ignorest take I’ve seen on anything.
Because all football players are from the ghetto and are incapable of doing anything else worth merit, right?
Not to mention that the CTE that they are all getting will kill plenty of them (and a few of their loved ones) before they are old enough for social security. There’s that.
I’m an actor, and what this article describes is so far beyond the fucking pale that I want to go burn things down right now. NONE of this is okay. Any & all of the people involved need to quit with the bullshit excuses, APOLOGIZE & fire/banish this fuckhead director & his enablers.
I’m horrified by the thought process involved. They’ve been molested for real, so of course they’re ok with pretend?
“We didn’t violate these women! Let me violate these women to prove it!”
I feel personally attacked by this list.
If you look closely at the clip, Megyn is whispering something in Bobby’s ear when she hugs him. I slowed the footage down and read her lips. She said “fucking stop the fucking column or I’ll fucking kill your immediate family.”
I found this bone-chilling. Like finding out Voldemort knows your address.
For the hookworm, duh.
Dude, I don’t enjoy your purposefully-mussed and gelled hair, I don’t enjoy your edgy biker jacket, and I don’t enjoy your old-guy-with-a-young-shtick shtick. I most certainly, then, will not enjoy your dick.
My best advice: Seek professional help. You deserve to talk to someone about this in a non-judgmental setting, where you can pick through and understand your own actions and feelings. I’m so sorry that happened to you.
Silly women. Privacy is only OK for men sending rape threats.