
You people truly live on a different planet. So smug, so superior, unable to grasp that others might not agree with you or hold your opinions, or actually have an intelligence and rational basis for their belief system. A refusal to eat at what’s easily the best managed restaurant chain in the country, with the best

You people truly live on a different planet. So smug, so superior, unable to grasp that others might not agree with you or hold your opinions, or actually have an intelligence and rational basis for their belief system. A refusal to eat at what’s easily the best managed restaurant chain in the country, with the best

You little snowflakes are so funny. As if you stand a snowball’s chance in hell against real men. With guns. Who know how to use them.

I hear you. I’ve seen clueless, idiot liberals kicked out of bars just for being stupid.

I’m thankful Hillary is such a loser and isn’t president.

I have no sympathy for anyone who comes here illegally. You’re a crimimal, and infringing on the rights of every lawful citizen. Go back to your country and do it the right, and legal way, like so many have done before.

Groups like Antifa and Blacks Lives Matter are much bigger threats to our freedoms than marginal groups like the KKK and neo-nazis, whose long discredited ideology is being played up by the media and the left only to bludgeon conservatives.

I see you clueless idiots can’t take the truth.

This IS literally a bump in the road. Attorney Grneral Sessions brave attempts to restore sanity after repeated assaults from the lies and vitriole of BLM and other fantasy based SJW propaganda, that has undermined the police and encouraged criminals all over the country, will be upheld by the Supreme Court. Obama’s

Who cares what that little bitch thinks? Trump is doing everything he said he would, thank God.. Maybe we can build the wall around California and the east coast, where the majority of idiot Trump haters reside.

Good for them. I doubt they’d issue an ISIS or Nai card either.

You Progs never stop. “Radicalization” huh? I must say, so much of the preposterous drivel coming from the left is incredibly humerous. And watching seemingly mature, rational adults in a state of complete denial and grasping at straws to avoid admitting their ideology and candidate is flawed is pretty amazing. Keep

I’m not depressed. I’m happy a vile, disgusting, duplicitous and incompetent old hag was defeated. The electoral college works exactly the way the founders intended, and thank God for that. What is somewhat depressing is reading articles from out-of-touch, intolerant and whiny “progressives” (calling them liberals is