
I was lucky enough to see Rad before Full House, so I never needed it for my Lori Loughlin crush. I'm still likelier to watch it again than Fuller House.

Mid 80s for me, and likewise dozens. Not recently, though. I can agree with adding it to the Extended Edition, especially considering the entire Thrain plot line was added to DoS. But it would have required leaving Saruman and Grima alive for the theatrical release, with some other fate to befall them. That could get

I agree that Jackson did a fine job of wrapping up the story he wanted to tell. The disparity between Jackson's story and Tolkien's has been a sticking point for fans. I think it likely would have been handled well whichever way Jackson wanted to go with it; I have no real quarrel with his choice, but the Scouring

Don't get me wrong; I would like to have seen it on screen, and avoided every spoiler I could avoid, but with Saruman and Grima both dead in the first fifteen minutes, it was pretty clear we weren't going to be getting that. On Martin's "bittersweet" point, I wanted to see more of the return journey in RotK, but it's

I liked it without the Scouring. The soldiers came home, themselves changed unalterably, while the world they knew is still the same, but will look forever different to them in ways that only they themselves will understand. It's a more New Zealand (or American) reading of untouched lands and forever-changed men,

That depends. I suspect there are others who also don't appreciate tongue-in-cheek humor. They may be offended as well.

I took it to mean that Galactica herself had not jumped in a long while, not that it wasn't common practice. It makes little sense for so many small civilian ships to have the capacity if it were simply unnecessary.

Meh, this is nothing new.  I doubt the sub-15 fans of the Beatles, the Monkees, the Partridge Family, Leif Garrett, Rick Springfield, Menudo, the Backstreet Boys, or 'N Sync were that much more knowledgeable or music-savvy.  They just didn't have Twitter.

"They've borrowed from reality" the interview-scene structure?  Wasn't This is Spinal Tap doing that 30 years ago?