Actually CJ that was the 5th run. That made it 5-2. Glad to think you didn't think 2011 Rangers could score 2 runs over 4 innings.
Actually CJ that was the 5th run. That made it 5-2. Glad to think you didn't think 2011 Rangers could score 2 runs over 4 innings.
So Game 7 of the World Series. You come in - bags loaded. You proceed to hit a guy? Are walks too mainstream for you?
Glad the Rangers are a 'major' MLB team in your book. Glad we've arrived.
But how many times has this site run something about a fan dying? Braves, Mets, both have had them. Are there statues in those stadiums?
Except not a tornado...…
Ranger Season Ticket Holder - obvious bias is obvious. Tragic? Absolutely. But lets analyze what happened here. A guy tosses Josh Hamilton a baseball in between innings, guy leans over rail to catch a $3 piece of cowhide, falls to death in front of son. A wife is made a widow, a family without their dad for what?…
And based on that methodology is Mark Hendrickson MLB 2002-2011 and NBA 1996-2000.
I found this article:…
"But at the beginning of the 2001 football season, Sanders was in triple-A, trying to work his way to the Blue Jays. The Redskins said minor league ball isn't MLB, and threatened to void Sanders's contract if he didn't report to camp. He complied."
But Sanders retired (the first time) after the 2000 season? I don't…
More importantly - who's the Mike?
You mentioned he had a swim through Tampa Bay. The video went viral.... I was making an attempt at MSRA humor.
That would explain his viral status...
Whats more offensive Chief Wahoo or him lifting his leg to pee on you?
Is that the Astrodome?
You don't have the data in front of you...its a bitch to go to or
Who I write the letter to at Deadspin to request the 10 minutes of my life back after reading this story.
More Gators Alum tweets:
"That was a shitty trial"
—Aaron Hernandez sometime in early 2014
Is that a dwarf giving me the finger or is he just happy to see us?
Good to see the reforms that the Catholic Church have put in place have finally started working. A few years ago Balls from a young buc would have never gotten past a Padre.
Wouldn't it be 4,024? There were 2,012 Double-Murders...