Marc B.

I laughed out loud at this trailer.  Was I.. supposed to?

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S-c-a-r-v-e-s Scarves For Kids
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When did A.V Club start doing their ranked lists in random order?

What I wish game devs would learn: in video games, snipers are fun to play *as*, but really not fun to play *against*.

No discussion about FF7 Remake’s new tracks is complete without discussion of Chapter 15's original tracks: The Day Midgar Stood Still, Fires of Resistance, and Valkyrie.

The first two alone would be epic end-of-game boss music in most games, but here, it’s regular travelling/fight music.  It cannot be overstated how


Odell Beckham, Jr. a player who formerly played for the Giants of New York, will now be playing for the Browns.  In return, the Giants get this other player Peppers and will also get to pick two players in the draft instead of the Browns, and will get to keep those players as well.

Chicago isn’t the rhetorical ace in the hole that you think it is. When you bring up Chicago, you’re basically conceding the debate, and you don’t even realize it.

Compare Chicago’s per capita gun crime rates with those of cities with no gun control and you’ll see why.

The internet as we know and love evolved in the complete absence of the *need* of those protections.

It takes additional engineering effort to violate net neutrality principles, and in the early days of the internet, there was no incentive to put forth this effort. This is because ISPs just provided the “on-ramp” to

I both want to laugh out loud as this, and get mad at you for suggesting a Zerg player build bunkers. So confused!

If defense is part of football, why leave one defense off the field?