
In example in that clip why does Theo Galavan/Azrael not ... move? Jump to the side? Duck? Roll? Why does he just take a rocket to the torso like a boss?

I took a moderate amount of acid in my late teens/early twenties, and this was a fascinating read, thanks for sharing!

A fat joke. How truly novel

He’s an 84 year old white man whose heyday was the 1960's.

I also can't name a single female writer that inspires me. I can't name a male writer who inspires we either. I am a sentient hunk of cheese that someone plugged directly into the Internet. I am inspired by mold and bacteria.

Pictured: Hollywood’s mountain of ideas.

There aren’t any tiers here though. The data doesn’t expire monthly so you can’t compare it the same way.

You’re right, we do need to think about the kind of world we’re creating and want to live in. Frankly, I think what he did is exactly what people ought to be doing. He noticed a security vulnerability and he reported it to the people who set up a flawed system. He didn’t screw around with people’s privacy, he didn’t

Ha-ha totally agree. That guy is clueless. What he did can hardly be considered hacking. No more than accidentally seeing someone entering in their pin on a phone. And he had the respect to tell them. Plus the idea that he did damage or could have done damage is just fear mongering from someone who doesn’t understand

It’s people like you that are the problem with, well, everything.

I’d much rather him pop up everywhere and be a celebrity for being an astrophysicist and you know, actually doing something with his life rather than seeing more coverage of the Kardashians.

*disclaimer I work for an insurance company.

While I make no claims to our comparative intelligence, here’s the scoop. Around your point #5:

But they are being asked to provide a one time service, not deliver a product. There’s nothing sloping or slippery about this fully transparent warrant

develop firmware that can extract the data

Were you playing poker or blackjack? The card game you seem to be describing is most definitely blackjack.