
Then you're dead inside.

If you're a pompous ass or "only Marvel movies are good" kinda guy, maybe.

"This is the guy who hosted that godawful TV special previewing the DC Universe movies."


Not really, Atlantis still had kings before it sank in Earth-1 also.

Thanks man! Geez, that's a lot to process

Or the full season finale, to help against Darkh

Confirmed: Ollie gets fire arrows this season

But now that Constantine is officially part of the TV universe idk how that would work.

CW is the only reason that Constantine coming back is remotely plausible right now… talk about being grateful.

Um have you seen The Flash?

> when people get sick of capes eventually

Both of those would be great. I'm excited as hell for the Suicide Squad movie, but I wish it didn't mean the death of SS on TV.

Um no they haven't said anything about Mr. Terrific

A show set entirely in Earth-2 featuring some version of the Justice Society would be insane. We already know some form of Aquaman exists there.

Why wouldn't they want to become the DC Network? That's the best thing they have going for them.

Ummm that would be absolutely perfect!

Uhh I want Chas, Zed, Manny, Papa Midnite. and Jim Corrigan to remain with the same actors.

They had their season order cut in half which didn't help.

> Maybe he'll help Kara on Supergirl next, or Liv on iZombie.